[XMP-3250/3350/3450, XDS-1950/2450 series]
1. Player configuration : player configuration is not necessary
2. Content preparation :
Video Content
Please use WinMEnc , instruction : http://support.iadea.com/entries/21429223--Jumpy-playback-long-video-gap-or-video-not-playing-How-can-I-get-best-video-playback-performance-
and choose portrait layout according to your screen orientation as highlighted below -
Image content
All portrait images must be rotated to correct orientation before apply to player.
Some CMS( Content Management Software ) can rotate the image for you, please check your software provider's user manual for further instruction.
Web content
All Web contents must be rotated properly before apply to player. A good practice is to use CSS transform property to rotate the web content.
Some CMS( Content Management Software ) can rotate the web contents for you, please check your software provider's user manual for further instruction.
[XDS-1060/1062/1068/1078, MBR-1100, XMP-6200/6250/6400/7300 series]
1. Player configuration : player must set to rotate (90 degree or 270 degree) in player's display setting first
2. Content preparation :
Video content
The hardware restricts video display at no larger 1920 width x 1080 height(*) , if you play a portrait mode video at 1080 x 1920, the height is 1920 which far exceeds 1080 height limitation, so a video re-encode process is needed.
Please use ffmpeg(**) to rotate the video and add metadata:
ffmpeg -i 1920x1080.mp4 -vf "transpose=2" -b 10000k -acodec copy -metadata:s:v:0 "rotate=90" 1080x1920.mp4
In this way, although the video is 1920x1080, the player will automatically rotate it to 1080x1920 when playing it.
* 720x1280 video must also be rotated as 1280 height exceeds 1080 height limitation as well.
Image content
Not necessary to rotate.
Web content
Not necessary to rotate.
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