*Looking for 4K video encode instructions? Click HERE!
Converting videos with WinMEnc
IAdea players support industry-standard video formats, but sometimes you may encounter PC-specific formats, poorly encoded content, or content encoded using excessive bit-rates. Here's what you can do to ensure playability.
Please download the converter here at : http://download.us.iadea.com.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/support/docs/MPlayer-p4-svn-29851_IAdeaProfiles_201603.zip
There is no need to install the program, simply execute winmenc.exe, then
1. Drag file(s) to batch area
2. Select output folder
3. Select profile based on which IAdea player you are using. For Full HD players which not listed, please select the first profile "All-FullHD-Models..."
4. Click Encode
Converting videos with ffmpeq
[XDS-1060/1062/1068/1078, MBR-1100, XMP-6200/6250/6400/7300 series]
1. Download Windows build ffmpeg from here : http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
2. Extract downloaded ffmpeg package
3. The ffmpeg build does not have GUI, so please launch the Command Prompt from the Run Window, enter the folder where ffmpeg extracted
4. Enter bin folder
5. This is a example syntax to transcode video to H.264 10Mbit :
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -level:v 4.2 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 30 -g 30 -bf 0 -preset fast -b:v 10M -bufsize 10M -an -f h264 output.264ffmpeg-iinput.mp4 -c:vlibx264 -profile:vhigh -level:v4.2 -pix_fmtyuv420p -r 30 -g 30 -bf 0 -preset fast -b:v10M -bufsize10M -an -f h264 output.264
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