To proper exit Android APP, AutoRecover must be informed otherwise it will restart your APP instantly and leave user no chance to access basic configuration settings.
There are three ways to exit AutoRecover:
- Set launchMode to "standard" or "singleTop", and call Activity.setResult(RESULT_OK) before exiting the Activity.
- Launch home screen directly, i.e. startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_HOME).setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK))
- Call REST API to switch home, i.e. POST /v2/app/switch { "mode": "home" }
In case admin password is enabled:
(a) IAdea Launcher will show password dialog when using method 1 or 2
(b) IAdea Launcher may reuse the access_token that was used to calling REST API in method 3
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