What is EXIF metadata information? Is your image uploading to SignApps Express with the wrong rotation?
Digital cameras embed technical metadata, called Exif data, into image files (primarily JPEG and TIFF formats). Exif's primary feature is its ability to record camera information in an image file at the point of capture.
Many newer digital cameras (both dSLR and Point & Shoot digicams) have a built-in orientation sensor.. Digital Cameras with orientation sensors allow for auto-rotation of portrait images. However, support for this feature is not widespread or consistently applied.
While there are countless software programs available today that display JPEG images, only a subset of them actually interpret the EXIF Orientation flag. Just like color management, many programs simply display the JPEG image as it is stored, and completely ignore any extra details stored in the file's metadata.
You may choose to open the image in Paint and rotate the image and re-save the image.
Or if you have Photo Software with exif orientation, you can edit the properties to correct the proper orientation.
The values 1-8 represent the following descriptions (as shown by utilities that support EXIF field decode):